
Did Demond Wilson ever live in Wentzville Mo.?

Did Demond Wilson ever live in Wentzville Mo.?
  1. Where did Fred Sanford live?
  2. Where does Lamont Sanford live?
  3. Why did Sanford and Son Get Cancelled?
  4. What was Redd Foxx real name?
  5. Why did Redd Foxx walk that way?
  6. What did the G stand for in Fred G. Sanford?

Where did Fred Sanford live?

Sanford and Son star Redd Foxx as Fred G. Sanford, a widower and junk dealer living at 9114 South Central Avenue in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, and Demond Wilson as his son Lamont Sanford. In his youth, Fred moved to South Central Los Angeles from his hometown St. Louis.

Where does Lamont Sanford live?

Today, Wilson is a fit and feisty 70-something and the author of three books, including Second Banana: The Bittersweet Memoirs Of The Sanford And Son Years. We spoke with him on the phone from Palm Springs, California, where he lives with his wife, Cicely.

Why did Sanford and Son Get Cancelled?

Most of the supporting cast remained, but the audience didn't buy it. Ratings plummeted and the show was cancelled after four episodes. 10. Redd Fox returned as Fred Sanford.

What was Redd Foxx real name?

Redd Foxx, original name John Elroy Sanford, (born December 9, 1922, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.—died October 11, 1991, Los Angeles, California), American comedian known for his raunchy stand-up routines.

Why did Redd Foxx walk that way?

In the midst of taping episodes for the 1973-1974 season, Redd Foxx walked off the show in a salary dispute. His character was written out of the series for the rest of the season. The continuity of the show explained that Fred Sanford was away in St.

What did the G stand for in Fred G. Sanford?

Quotes. Fred G. Sanford : The full name is King Frederick G. Sanford, and the G stands for gefilte fish.

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