
How long is the flight from Newark New Jersey to Paris France?

How long is the flight from Newark New Jersey to Paris France?
  1. How far is a flight from Newark to Paris?
  2. How far is Paris from New Jersey by plane?
  3. How many days does it take to fly to France?
  4. How far is flight to Italy from NJ?

How far is a flight from Newark to Paris?

Flight distance from Newark to Paris (New York Newark Liberty International Airport – Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport) is 3649 miles / 5872 kilometers / 3171 nautical miles. Estimated flight time is 7 hours 24 minutes.

How far is Paris from New Jersey by plane?

The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line distance from New Jersey to Paris, France ("as the crow flies"), which is about 3,673 miles or 5 912 kilometers. Your trip begins in the state of New Jersey.

How many days does it take to fly to France?

Flying time from United States to France

The total flight duration from United States to France is 10 hours, 4 minutes. If you're planning a trip, remember to add more time for the plane to taxi between the gate and the airport runway.

How far is flight to Italy from NJ?

Flying time from New Jersey to Italy

The total flight duration from New Jersey to Italy is 9 hours, 7 minutes.

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