
Which landform extends the farthest south?

Which landform extends the farthest south?
  1. Which of these is the farthest south?
  2. What is Earth's farthest point south?
  3. Which of these countries extends the farthest south?
  4. Which of these cities is farthest south?
  5. What is the farthest south people live?
  6. Where is the farthest point from land?
  7. Which two continents extend both north and south of 0 latitude?
  8. What is the farthest point from land?
  9. Which is further south New Zealand or Australia?
  10. What continent is farthest south of the Equator?
  11. What is the closest town to Antarctica?
  12. Is Tasmania further south than NZ?
  13. Does anyone live in Antarctica?

Which of these is the farthest south?

Farthest South

At 18 degrees 55 minutes north, Ka Lae on the Big Island of Hawaii is the southernmost point in the US. Take Hawaii away however, and Florida is left as the southernmost point. A buoy on the island of Key West, Florida, at 24 degrees 32 minutes north, marks the place.

What is Earth's farthest point south?

The South Pole is the southernmost point on the Earth. It is located on Antarctica, one of the Earth's seven continents.

Which of these countries extends the farthest south?

Chile is the nation that is the furthest south (excluding Antarctica).

Which of these cities is farthest south?

Ushuaia ( 54°48′S 68°18′W, population: 71,000), the capital of the Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego, is more commonly regarded as the southernmost city in the world due to its large population, 71,000, its infrastructure and its accepted classification as a city.

What is the farthest south people live?

Discounting Antarctic research stations, the farthest south that people permanently live on Earth is the small hamlet of Puerto Toro (55°04'59S) on the island of Navarino on the southern tip of Chile. In the last census taken in the area (2002), its population was recorded as just 36 people.

Where is the farthest point from land?

The most distant point from land is the Pacific pole of inaccessibility (also called "Point Nemo"), which lies in the South Pacific Ocean at 48°52.6′S 123°23.6′W, approximately 2,688 km (1,670 mi) from the nearest land (equidistant from Ducie Island in the Pitcairn Islands to the north, Motu Nui off Rapa Nui to the ...

Which two continents extend both north and south of 0 latitude?

2. Africa is the most centrally located of all the continents. The prime meridian (the Greenwich meridian) 0o passes through the Atlas Mountains and cuts through the coast of West Africa close to Accra, while the Equator (latitude 0 degrees) also divides the continent into 2 equal parts North and South.

What is the farthest point from land?

Place on Earth furthest from land is Point Nemo. Point Nemo, a spot in the South Pacific Ocean, is the place furthest from land anywhere on the planet. Named after a fictional character 'Captain Nemo', the point is located equidistantly from the coasts of three islands.

Which is further south New Zealand or Australia?

New Zealand, Māori Aotearoa, island country in the South Pacific Ocean, the southwesternmost part of Polynesia. New Zealand is a remote land—one of the last sizable territories suitable for habitation to be populated and settled—and lies more than 1,000 miles (1,600 km) southeast of Australia, its nearest neighbour.

What continent is farthest south of the Equator?

Antarctica is the continent farthest south of the Equator.

What is the closest town to Antarctica?

Due to its proximity to Antarctica – around 1000 kilometres – Ushuaia is today by far the most popular gateway for Antarctic tourism, capturing close to 90% of the more than 35,000 tourists who travel each year to the Antarctic.

Is Tasmania further south than NZ?

That's as far south as you can drive in Australia. Only in New Zealand (south of Christchurch) and southern Chile and Argentina can you drive further south. But wait, there's more ... the southernmost extremity of "mainland" Tasmania is a little further on.

Does anyone live in Antarctica?

Antarctica is the only continent with no permanent human habitation. There are, however, permanent human settlements, where scientists and support staff live for part of the year on a rotating basis. The continent of Antarctica makes up most of the Antarctic region.

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