
Which country occupies the horn of africa?
Which countries occupy the Horn of Africa? Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and Somalia occupy the Horn of Africa. Which country is in the Horn of Africa?...
What the only developed nation in frica?
Currently, Mauritius is the only African country which falls into the very high human development category. Is Nigeria a developed country?Why is Afri...
What is African's western capital?
What is West Africa's capital?What is the western part of Africa called?What are the West Africa countries?What is West Africa known for?Is Africa Ea...
What city was in all three countries?
What was South Africa called before?What was Benin called before?Is Djibouti a city or a country?Who is the No 1 capital in the world?Which country h...
How many countries are in arfica?
There are 54 countries in Africa today, according to the United Nations. The full list is shown in the table below, with current population and subreg...
What is the poorest continent in?
Africa is considered the poorest continent on Earth. Almost every second person living in the states of sub-Saharan Africa lives below the poverty lin...
What are the Countries and Capital city in Africa?
Capital Cities of African NationsAddis Ababa (Addis Abeba)Addis Ababa MapEthiopiaAlgiers (Alger, El Djazâir, Al Jaza'ir)Algiers MapAlgeriaAntananarivo...
What is the caital of the largest country in Africa according to its land area?
Algeria is the biggest country in Africa. Exceeding 2.38 million square kilometers as of 2020, Algeria is the African country with the largest area......
What is africas southrnmost country?
A quick guide to South Africa, the Southernmost country in Africa. What is the most southern country in Africa?Is Mozambique Africa's southernmost cou...