
What City state know for strong army?
It was also known for its literature, arts, and education. Sparta was one of the most powerful city-states and was known for its strong armies and its...
What differences might each city-state have and why?
How are city-states different from one another?What are the differences of Athens and Sparta?What did city-states have in common How were they differ...
What were the names of the three cities allied with athans?
The three most powerful were Sparta, Corinth and Thebes; less powerful city-states included Elis, Tegea and Mantinea. What cities were allied with Ath...
What is known as the cradle of democrazy city?
Athens is often regarded as the birthplace of democracy and remains an important reference point for democracy. What is Sparta known for?What was Athe...
What city state seemed to have geographical advantage?
What geographic advantages did Athens have?What were the two greatest city-states?What are the 5 Greek city-states?Why Athens is the best city-state?...
What is the Militaristic city state?
Militaristic City-States bolster your military might. They periodically gift land units to your army; these units appear near the city which is geogra...
Which city state seemed to have the geographical advantage and why?
Between Athens and Sparta, which city-state seemed to have geographical advantage? Athens because they had the most powerful navy and get food and sup...
Who ruled the city state of athen?
Classical AthensAthens ἈθῆναιGovernmentAthenian democracyStrategos• 449–429 BCPericlesLegislatureEcclesia Who ruled the Athenian empire?Who first rule...
How was a geek city-state different from a city?
How was a Greek city-state different from a city?What is the difference between polis and city-state?How was Athens different from other city-states?...