Who are Famous people in egupyt?
Top 10 Famous Egyptian peopleMohamed Salah – Footballer. Photo by Anna Nessie – Wikimedia. ... Faten Hamama – Actress. ... Ramesses II – Pharaoh. ... ...
Who was a famous Egyptian musician?
Considered as “the father of Egyptian popular music”, Darwish will always be remembered as one of Egypt's greatest musicians that ever existed. Who is...
What country is Heliopolis located in?
Heliopolis, (Greek), Egyptian Iunu or Onu (“Pillar City”), biblical On, one of the most ancient Egyptian cities and the seat of worship of the sun god...
What languages do the egyupt speak?
What kind of language do Egyptian speak?Can you kiss in Egypt?Is English spoken in Cairo?Is Egyptian still spoken?Is Greek spoken in Egypt?When did E...
Architecture of ancient egypt
Egyptian architecture Architecture developed since 3000 bc and characterized by post and lintel construction, massive walls covered with hieroglyphic ...
Egypt language
Can you kiss in Egypt?Is English spoken in Cairo?What is I love you in Egypt?Is Egyptian Arabic written?What is Egypt rude?Is dating allowed in Egypt...
Egyptian mythology
Egyptian mythology is the collection of myths from ancient Egypt, which describe the actions of the Egyptian gods as a means of understanding the worl...
Language in egypt
Does Egyptian speak English?Is English spoken in Cairo?How do you say hello in Egypt?Is Egyptian language still spoken?Is Egyptian Arabic written?Is ...
Egyptian author
Who is the famous writer in Egypt?What is the most famous work of Egyptian literature?Who wrote about ancient Egypt?Who is the father of Arabic liter...