What is the of first hindureligious country?
The Hindu population around the world as of 2020 is about 1.2 billion (making it the world's third-largest religion after Christianity and Islam), of ...
Which country has the world largest Hindu population?
Top 25 countries with the largest number of Hindus in 2010 (in millions)*CharacteristicEstimated Hindu population in millionsIndia973.75Nepal24.17Bang...
How many hindusam country in the worlds?
Hindus live on every continent, and there are three Hindu majority countries in the world: India, Nepal, and Mauritius. Hinduism began in the Indian s...
What two countries have the most people practicind hindduism?
Presently, India and Nepal are the two Hindu majority countries. Most Hindus are found in Asian countries. What are two countries that practice Hindui...
What country are the hidus from?
Presently, India and Nepal are the two Hindu majority countries. Most Hindus are found in Asian countries. What country are most Hindus from?Where did...
Hinduism beliefs
Hindus believe in the doctrines of samsara (the continuous cycle of life, death, and reincarnation) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect)....
Hinduism in nepal
According to the 2011 census, the Hindu population in Nepal is estimated to be around 21,551,492, which accounts for at least 81.34% of the country's ...
Hinduism in indonesia
Hinduism in Indonesia, as of the 2018 census, is practised by about 1.74% of the total population, and almost 87% of the population in Bali. Hinduism ...
Hinduism in usa
The Hindu population of USA is the world's eighth-largest; 10% of Asian Americans who together account for 5.8% of US population, are followers of the...