
What is the climate like in medeil times?
Lamb based his argument almost exclusively on historical anecdotes and paleoclimatic data from western Europe. Using these data to construct indices o...
What did people do for fun in midieval days?
Types of Medieval Entertainment varied according to status but included feasts, banquets, jousts and tournaments, Mystery Plays, fairs, games and spor...
What are characteristics of cities in medievel times?
The typical layout of a Medieval city included large structures not far from where the defensive walls were erected, a wide open space that stretched ...
What were medevial cities like?
Towns were often unhygienic because of the larger populations and the lack of proper sanitation . Modern toilets and plumbing were a long way in the f...
What were medievel cities like?
Medieval cities were not only small population-wise but their dimensions hardly exceeded 1 square mile with more or less 300,000 residents. The street...
Why are cities so cramped?
Why were cities of the Middle Ages unsanitary?How wide were medieval streets?How large were medieval cities in miles?Did everyone stink in the Middle...
What were mediaeval city like?
A Medieval city was considerably smaller with a limited population. Its streets were not paved and there were no tarmac roads like there are today. Me...
What are the name of the cities in the mievil times?
Top 25 Medieval Cities in Europe:Prague, Czech Republic: ... Rothenburg, Germany: ... Mont Saint Michel, France: ... Siena, Italy: ... Carcassonne, Fr...
HOW Did people have fun in 1000-1500?
Drama, Dance, and Tournaments They were paid in food and sometimes coins. Other entertainers would come through as well, including jugglers, acrobats ...