
What are names of colleges that are near Pflugerville?
How many schools does Pflugerville ISD have?What are the 4 types of colleges?Is Pflugerville in Austin Community College District?Is Hutto in ACC Dis...
Pflugerville crime rate
Pflugerville Annual CrimesViolentTotalNumber of Crimes841,043Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)1.2916.00 Is Pflugerville in Austin safe to live?What is ...
Median household income pflugerville
In 2019, Pflugerville, TX had a population of 61.7k people with a median age of 36.1 and a median household income of $93,627. Between 2018 and 2019 t...
How safe is pflugerville texas
The chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime in Pflugerville is 1 in 63. Based on FBI crime data, Pflugerville is not one of th...
Population of pflugerville, texas
What is the racial makeup of Pflugerville TX?Is Pflugerville TX A good place to live?Is Pflugerville rich?What is Pflugerville known for?Is Pflugervi...
Round rock tx population 2022
As of May 2022, Round Rock's estimated population is 124,690 (within the city limits). Is Round Rock Texas growing?Which counties in Texas are growing...