
Can you start anemones indoors?
Since Anemones don't need pre-chilling to flower, they are great for indoor forcing. The first thing you do is soak the bulbs in lukewarm water for 2-...
What growing meduim is needed for growing bulbs?
The best kind of soil for planting bulbs is sandy loam – a balanced mix of clay, sand, silt, and organic matter. Keep in mind that “balance” is needed...
What Growing Medium is needed For growing Bulbs?
The best kind of soil for planting bulbs is sandy loam – a balanced mix of clay, sand, silt, and organic matter. Keep in mind that “balance” is needed...
Can bulbs that have been planted indoors be transplated outside at a later date?
What to do with indoor bulbs after flowering?Can you move bulbs once they are growing?How long can bulbs be stored before planting?Can I replant bulb...