
What country is Chiangmai in?
Chiang Mai, also spelled Chiengmai, largest city in northern Thailand and the third largest city in the nation after metropolitan Bangkok and Nakhon R...
What city is closest to chiang maii?
Cities near Chiang Mai, Thailand:Dok Kham Tai, Thailand.Long, Thailand.Mae Hong Son, Thailand.Pa Daet, Thailand.Thoen, Thailand.Phrae, Thailand.Ban Ra...
How far from Bangkok to chengmai?
The distance between Bangkok and Chiang Mai is 583 km. The road distance is 684.8 km. How long is the train ride from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?How far is...
Chiang mai average temperature
Does it get cold in Chiang Mai?What is the best month to visit Chiang Mai?Is Chiang Mai cooler than Bangkok?Does it snow in Chiang Mai?What month sho...
Is chiang mai safe
Chiang Mai is a fairly safe place to visit. Having said this, there are certain precautions that the tourist to this Thai town should take in order to...