
What was the Confederate capital city and state?
Richmond served as the home of three governments during the war—city, state, and Confederate. When the war began, bureaucrats and office-seekers flood...
What state did the confederates make their capital?
Richmond served as the home of three governments during the war—city, state, and Confederate. When the war began, bureaucrats and office-seekers flood...
What was the confiterate capital?
Once Virginia seceded, the Confederate government moved the capital to Richmond, the South's second largest city. What were the 2 Confederate capitals...
What was the capital of the confederate states of america
Why was Richmond made the Confederate capital and how did that status change life there? Once Virginia seceded, the Confederate government moved the c...
Confederate states of america flag
national flag consisting of seven white stars on a blue canton with a field of three alternating stripes, two red and one white. The stars represent t...
Confederate states of america
What were the 12 Confederate states?What did Confederate States stand for?What are the Confederate states in America?What were the Confederate States...