
Croatian names
Most Common Names in Croatia (according to the last census)Ivan – 130,828.Marija – 126,646.Ana – 81,751.Josip – 77,324.Marko – 50,393.Ivana – 49.943.S...
What does croatian sound like
What is Croatian language similar to?What is a Croatian accent?Is Croatian similar to Russian?Does Croatian sound like Italian?Is Croatian on duoling...
Croatian language
What language is mostly spoken in Croatia?Is Croatian an easy language?How do you say hello in Croatian?How many languages do Croatia speak?Is Croati...
Famous croatian american
ActorsEric Bana - actor.George Beban - actor, singer.George Birimisa – playwright, actor, editor, director.Anna Chlumsky – actress.Al Christy - actor....
Croatian heritage
What is the race of Croatians?What heritage is Croatian?Who are Croatian ancestors?What culture is Croatian?Are Croatians considered Slavic?Are Croat...
Croatian pop singers
Who is the most famous singer in Croatia?What type of music is popular in Croatia?Is Croatian hard to learn?Do Croatians understand Russian?Is Croati...
Famous croatian musicians
Who is the most famous singer in Croatia?What is the most popular music genre in Croatia?What kind of music do Croatians listen to?What is Croatia's ...
Croatian mentality
Croatians are friendly, happy to help, and most social interactions are carried out with a smile. True, they can also be abrupt, but that's just the w...
Croatia culture
As the largest ethnic group, Croats tend to think of themselves as more closely linked with Austrian and Viennese culture rather than with the other c...