
What is Gambia's capital city?
Banjul is the capital and the largest city in The Gambia. In the 1960s the built up area of the city and surrounding towns covered only St. What is th...
Is gimbia a rich country?
The economy of the Gambia is heavily reliant on agriculture....Economy of the Gambia.StatisticsGDP$1.773 billion (nominal, 2019 est.) $6.448 billion (...
How high is the highest hill in the gambia
The highest point is Red Rock, at only 53 m above sea level. Which is the highest hill in The Gambia?Are there hills in Gambia?Is Gambia a desert coun...
Which region has the most hills in the gambia
How many hills are in The Gambia?Are there hills in Gambia?How high is the highest hill in The Gambia?Which region has the most Hills?How many region...
History of gambia
The Gambia was administered as a part of British West Africa from 1821 to 1843. It was a separate colony with its own governor until 1866, when contro...
Gambia population
Is Gambia a poor country?What is the population of Gambia in 2021?Why is it called The Gambia and not Gambia?Is Gambia a rich country?How much money ...
How big is gambia
How many miles long is Gambia?Is The Gambia the smallest country in Africa?What is Gambia known for?Is Gambia a poor country?What language do they sp...
Geography of the gambia
Gambia, The GeographyGeographic LocationAfricaTerrainflood plain of the Gambia River flanked by some low hillsHighest Point53 MetersHighest Point Loca...
Economy of gambia
What type of economy does Gambia have?Is Gambia a rich country?Why Gambia is a poor country?How is Gambia developing?What is the standard of living i...