
Why is infrastructure is a good public good?
It leverages efforts of the industries, spurs productivity & efficiencies, value adding, triggering economic activities and creating opportunities...
What it infrastructure would you recommend for a company and why?
WHAT IT infrastructure does a business need?What is a good IT infrastructure?Why do companies need IT infrastructure?What is an infrastructure of a c...
Are homes part of a countries infrastructure?
Simply put: housing IS infrastructure. Like roads and bridges, affordable housing is a long-term asset that provides a safe, quality living environmen...
What would not be considered a part of a country's infrastructure?
What does infrastructure not include?What is included in a country's infrastructure?What are the four parts of a country's infrastructure?Which of th...
What are some networks that are part of the insfrasctructure a country?
Examples of infrastructure include transportation systems, communication networks, sewage, water, and electric systems. What are the basic infrastruct...
Good schools are known by their infrastructure facilities?
What Comprises School Infrastructure?Spacious and well- ventilated classrooms.Libraries.Playgrounds.Well-equipped labs.Facilities study tables, chairs...