
What was Mail's capital city?
What is the old capital of Mali?What was the capital city of Mali in the 14th century?What is a Mali?Which city was made the capital of the Songhai e...
Is Bamako a country?
Bamako (Bambara: ߓߡߊ߬ߞߐ߬ Bàmakɔ̌, Fula: 𞤄𞤢𞤥𞤢𞤳𞤮 Bamako) is the capital and largest city of Mali, with a 2009 population of 1,810,366 and an estimated 2...
Where is the country of molli?
Mali (/ˈmɑːli/ ( listen); French pronunciation: ​[mali]), officially the Republic of Mali, is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-...
Economy of mali
What kind of economy does Mali have?Is Mali a rich or poor country?Is Mali economy good?What did Mali accomplish?What is Mali's main source of income...
Mali language
How many languages does Mali speak?What are 3 languages spoken in Mali?Is Mali French speaking?Does Niger speak French?Is Hausa spoken in Mali?Does S...
What was life like in mali empire
What was society like in the Mali Empire?What did the Mali Empire do for a living?How did the Mali Empire live?What was ancient Mali's culture like?I...
Interesting facts about mali
What are 2 interesting facts about the Mali Empire?What is Mali famous for?What language did the Mali Empire speak?How long did Mali last?What kind o...
Famous places in mali
What are two famous attractions in Mali?Is the famous city in Mali empire?Is Mali a rich or poor country?What is Mali famous for?Why is Mali a great ...
Celebrities with mali ancestry
Notable peopleMohamed Bamba.Estelle Johnson.Bakary SoumaréCheick Modibo Diarra. What ethnicity is Mali?What people are the descendants of the Mali Emp...