
Why should I go to Malta?
Apart from its rich history, Malta is, after all, a Mediterranean island. In other words, it's surrounded by beautiful ocean and there are plenty of o...
What country is valletta located?
Valletta, also spelled Valetta, seaport and capital of Malta, on the northeast coast of the island of Malta. Is Malta part of Italy or France?Is Malta...
Malta island
4,5 Who owns the island of Malta?What are the three islands of Malta?What is the island off Malta?Who governs the island of Malta?Do they speak Englis...
Malta is a small country in the mediterranean
Malta is a small island country in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea. Its closest neighbours are Sicily, to the north, and Libya and Tunisia on the ...
Malta map
What country owns Malta?What is Malta famous for?What nationality is Malta?Why are there no birds in Malta?Is Malta a poor country?What is traditiona...
Malta capital
Is Malta city or country?Is Malta near Ukraine?Is Malta part of Italy?Do they speak English in Malta?Is Malta part of the UK?Who built Valette?What i...
Maltese lira symbol
Maltese liraPluralliriSymbol₤M and LmBanknotesLm2, Lm5, Lm10, Lm20Coins When did Malta change from lira to euro?Is Malta a euro?What currency is used ...
Is Malta the smallest country in Europe?
With a population of about 516,000 over an area of 316 km2 (122 sq mi), Malta is the world's tenth-smallest country in area and fourth most densely po...
Culture of malta
Present-day Maltese culture is essentially Latin European with the recent British legacy also in evidence. In the early part of its history Malta was ...