
What are two countries near Spitsbergen?
As of 2012, Norway and Russia make use of this right. Uniquely, the archipelago is an entirely visa-free zone under the terms of the Svalbard Treaty. ...
What countries suround svalbard?
Svalbard, (Old Norse: “Cold Coast”) archipelago, part of Norway, located in the Arctic Ocean well north of the Arctic Circle. The islands lie between ...
Why should people visit Svalbard?
While there is a good range of shops, bars, restaurants and hotels, the main reason to go to Svalbard is to search for adventure of an epic scale. Wit...
What country is southern to svalbard?
Svalbard, (Old Norse: “Cold Coast”) archipelago, part of Norway, located in the Arctic Ocean well north of the Arctic Circle. The islands lie between ...
Which country is svalbard in?
Svalbard, (Old Norse: “Cold Coast”) archipelago, part of Norway, located in the Arctic Ocean well north of the Arctic Circle. The islands lie between ...
What do people in svalbard do for fun?
Cruise the fjords, go on a snowmobile or dog sledding expedition, go kayaking or hiking… there are tons of adventures to choose from. We spent several...
What is it like living in Svalbard?
Challenges of life on Svalbard The biggest challenge faced by anyone living on Svalbard is adjusting to the harsh climate. While summers can be mild a...
What svalbard island capital city?
Longyearbyen is the capital of Svalbard, and it also serves as the capital region for Jan Mayen. What is the capital city in Svalbard?Is Svalbard a co...
What are the three nearest countries from Svalbard?
Which country is closest to Svalbard?How many countries own Svalbard?Is Svalbard near Greenland?Is Svalbard close to Norway?What is the capital of Sv...