
Near what city did the chishom trail being and what city did it end?
Chisholm Trail, 19th-century cattle drovers' trail in the western United States. Although its exact route is uncertain, it originated south of San Ant...
Where did the overland trail begain?
Starting from Atchison, Kansas, the trail descended into Colorado before looping back up to southern Wyoming and rejoining the Oregon Trail at Fort Br...
What were the names of the 2 overland trails you covered?
These brave pioneers journeyed west for about five to six months along overland trails such as the California Trail, Gila River Trail, Mormon Trail, O...
How were the overland trails to the west simialar and different?
What is the difference between the Overland Trail and the Oregon Trail?What was the trails to the west?What was the purpose of the Overland Trail?Wha...
Where does the Butterfeild Overland Mail Trail begin for westerm travelers?
Where does the Butterfield Overland Mail Trail begin for western travelers? C. St Louis, Missouri. Butterfield Overland Mail was a stagecoach service ...
What three cities are at the end of the Shawnee trail?
The trail then subdivided into various routes which, depending on the final destination led to one of the following: Baxter Springs, Kansas, and Westp...
What state is the overland trail located in?
Where does the Overland Trail start and end?What states did the Overland Trail go through?Is the Overland Trail part of the Oregon Trail?What cities ...
Where does the overland trail start and end?
Starting from Atchison, Kansas, the trail descended into Colorado before looping back up to southern Wyoming and rejoining the Oregon Trail at Fort Br...
What state is the overland trail located?
What states did the Overland Trail go through?Is the Oregon Trail the same as the Overland Trail?Where was the starting location for the overland rou...